Tag: meditation


This came to me during a morning meditation. Kinda smacked me in the face. I only post it here in case you need smacking too.

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Meditation Myths

Meditation is an essential practice for those looking to become more conscious in life. However, there are quite a few myths about meditation I often see which I feel can result in some people avoiding meditation all together simply because they either can’t understand certain practices or they don’t seem to get the suggested results when they try meditation.

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Meditation Is Doing Nothing

In meditation, I am not attempting to “do” anything. There is no striving or desiring to make anything happen, nor is there an expectation of anything happening.

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Mind vs. Silent Presence

In meditation, there will frequently appear to be a battle between the chattering mind and silent presence. It often seems the distractions of the mind soon have you chasing a thought down a rabbit hole until you are hopelessly...

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